What shoes fit best for you?

Good Morning Everyone! 

Bear with us as we are new to blogging! We will be posting a new blog post once a week, but the day will remain a mystery.

We have an Aetrex machine at our store which shows pressure points and a 3D measurement of your feet, that is used to determine which brand, model, size, and width of shoe would fit best for you!

The 3D measurement of a foot includes: length from heel to toe, width for the ball of the foot, instep height, arch height, girth, and the shoe size recommended for the foot.

The pressure points of a foot includes: maximum pressure for the forefoot and rearfoot, arch type, total area of the foot, pressure distribution for the top and bottom of the foot, and the average pressure applied to each foot.

A lot of information, we know! If you have any questions feel free to ask away when you come to see us! You can also give us a call at 515-381-1696, or shoot us an email at Desmoinesshoes@gmail.com!

Thank you for reading, and have a GREAT day!

Brown's Shoe Fit Co.



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